Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Open Spaces - Finish Line

Well, all I can say is mission accomplished. I've been writing, and writing, and writing, and then editing, and editing and editing Open Spaces. I'm in love with my latest novel but I'm almost tired of looking at it. I want it to be so much better than the first that I'm driving myself crazy with it. It should have been finished 2 months ago to tell you the truth. I should be done with the edits by about midnight tonight. (Then I can look forward to taking on the task of finishing the cover)

I want my readers, fans, and followers to know that I poured much more of myself onto the pages of this book than the last. Because of you, I'm not shy anymore because I know that you appreciate what I do. I grind every day because I know I have an audience that wants to read what I bleed onto pages. Open Spaces was very difficult to write because the lines between fact and fiction were so blurred that at times, it hurt to express my thoughts, feelings, and moods on the pages. In order for me to get it just right, I had to descend really deep into a zone that I don't like to venture into. I gave up on having any kind of life for months just to drain myself of new joys so that I could re-live old hurts and anguish. I hope that the writing reflects that.

Also, some good news is that while I've been editing, I haven't stopped writing. Right now I'm 13 chapters deep into a new novel titled, "Monsters Mirrors and Smoke". This one will be very different from the previous 2. The mood of it is darker, there is more action and the lines between right and wrong will be more blurred than ever. The excitement and anticipation of diving head-first into this novel is driving me to finally say goodbye to Open Spaces. I tend to hold onto unfinished novels like they're my children leaving home for the 1st time. Fans and lovers of Water Flows Under Doors, contiinue to dream with me. I have a lot more stories in me and the journey has just begun.

Also, I would like to thank somebody who pushed me harder than I've ever been pushed to do anything in my life. I let her read sample chapters and she fell so much in love with Open Spaces that she literally cursed me out when I didn't have more for her to read. Thanks Gloria. If it wasn't for you pushing me, I would have still been lost somewhere in the middle with no ending in sight. No matter what, I'll always love you for that.

To my brother Mel, (He'll get mad if I post his real government, LOL) thanks for reminding me that I'm a Boss in this game. I'm humble but you remind me that I'm talented enough to claim that title. Now, all I have to do is make the whole world believe it. Let's get it!